

来源: www.yIqig.com 时间:2010-06-07 编辑: 人生感悟

To youth I have three words of counsel ---work, work and work. (Otto Btismarck, Greman statesman)
对于青年,我的忠告只有三个词——工作,工作,工作。(德国政治家 俾斯麦.O.)

We often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine cases out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety. (John Lubbock , British banker)
我们常常听人说,人们因工作过度而垮下来,但是实际上十有八九是因为饱受担忧或焦虑的折磨。(英国银行家 卢伯克.J.)

Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him.

We should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction.A good share of the answer rest in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job , by the activity of accomplishing. (Leonard R.Sayles, British writer)
为什么工作竟然是人们获得的如此重要的源泉呢?最主要的答案就在于,工作和通过工作所取得的成就,能激起一种自豪感。(英国作家 塞尔斯.L.R.)

Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice ,and poverty. (Voltaire, French Philosopher)
工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。(法国哲学家 伏尔泰)

Work is more that a necessary for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives , the souece of their identity and creativity. (Leonard R.Sayles, British writer)
对大多数人来说,工作不仅仅是一种必需,它还是 人们生活的焦点,是他们的个性和创造性的源泉。(英国作家 塞尔斯.L.R.)

Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Thoas Carlyle, British historian)
工作是良药,能医治一切困扰人的疾苦。(英国历史学家 卡莱尔.T.)

Work is worth doing of worth doing well. (Thomas Carlyle, British historan)
一件事如果值得做好,就值得去做。(英国历史学 爱卡莱尔.T.)


A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight (P.B.Shelley, British poet)
伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱 P B)

A novel is a mirror walking along a main road. (Stendhcl,French writer)
一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。(法国作家 司汤达)

A picture is a poem without words. (Horace, ancient Roman poet)
一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯)

A poet is a man who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs it while playing a violin. (E.de Goncourt, French writer)
诗人是这样的人,他架起通向星星的梯子——一边爬梯子一边拉提琴。(法国作家 龚古尔 E)

A poet is born, not made. (L.A.Florus, Ancient Roman poet)
诗人靠天分,不是靠培养。(古罗马诗人 弗洛鲁 L A)

Any one who conducts an argument by appealing to authourity is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory. (Da Vinci, Italian painter)
一个借着引经据典来辩论的人,不是在运用自己的才智,他是在运用自己的记忆力。(意大利画家 达·芬奇)

Art is a lie that tells the truth. (Picasso, Spanish painter)
美术是揭示真理的谎言。(西班牙画家 毕加索)

Art is long, and time is fleeting. (Longfellow, American poet)
艺术是永恒的,则是瞬息即逝的。(美国诗人 朗费罗)

Art is much less important than life, but what a poor life without it ! (Robert Motherwell, American painter)
艺术远没有生活重要,但是没有艺术生活是多么乏味呀!(美国画家 马赦韦尔 R)

Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling theorist has experienced. (Len Tolstoy, Russian writer)

Art is the mold of feeling as language is the mold of thought. (Susanne Langer, American philosopher)
艺术是的模制品,犹如语言是思想的模制品。(美国哲学家 兰格 S)

Art is the object of feeling, and the subject of nature. (S.K.langer, American philosopher and educator)
艺术是情感的客观表现。也是本性的主观反映。(美国哲学家、教育家 兰格 S K)

Art is the right hand of nature. The latter only gave us being, but the former made us men. (Friedrich Schiller, German poet)
艺术是自然的右手。自然只让我们存在,而艺术创造我们的人类。(德国诗人 席勒 F)

Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travel. (Theocore Dreser, American novelist)
好画犹如佳肴,只可意会,不可言传。(法国画家 弗拉曼克 M)

Good painting is like good cooking; it ca n be tasted, but not explained. (Maurice de vlaminck, French painter)
简单地说,伟大的文学就是包涵极其丰富意义的语言。(美国诗人 庞德 E)

Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree (Ezra Poud, American poet)
幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国诗人 庞德 E)

Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain, American novelist)
我写作只是为了增加自身的美。(美国作家 杰克·伦敦)

I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me. (Jack London, American writer)
音乐要用心灵去听,用头脑去。(法国作家 雨果 V)

In music one must think with the heart and feel with the brains. Victor Hugo, French writer Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul. (PaulWhiteman, American conductor)
爵士乐使你的肌肉发痒,交响乐能舒展你的灵魂。(美国指挥家 怀特曼 P)

iterature is a kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like. (Samuse Johnson, British writer and critic)
文学是一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不的东西。(英国作家、批评家 约翰逊 S)

Love and scandale the best sweeteners of tea. (HenryFielding, British writer)
风流韵事与丑闻是品茶聊天时的最佳话题。(英国作家 菲尔丁 H)

Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak. (William Congreve. British dramatist)
音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀、软化顽石或使千年老树弯腰的魅力。(英国剧作家 康格里夫 W)

Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. (John Erskine, American educator)
音乐是唯一不能用及表达卑鄙的或讽刺的事物的语言。(美国教育家 厄斯金 J)

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a apeaking picture. (Simonides, ancient Greek writer)
画是无言之诗,诗是有声之画。(古希腊作家 西蒙尼特斯)

Rules and modesty destroy genius and art. (William Hazlitt, British essayist)
规则与谦逊会毁掉天才和艺术。(英国散文家 哈兹里特 W)

Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody\'s face their own. (Jonathan Swift, British writer)
讽刺是一面镜子,观看者通常从中看到每一个人的面容却看不到自己。(英国作家 斯威夫特 J)

Some people pretend to despise the things they cannot have. (Aesop, ancient Greek fable writer)
吃不到葡萄的人说葡萄酸。(古希腊寓言作家 伊索)

Speech is a mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so is he. (Ephraem Syrus, American writer)
语言是心灵的镜子;一个人只要说话,他说的话就是他的心灵的镜子。(美国作家 塞拉斯 E)

Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish ---- only bless. (Arthur Schnabel, Austrian pianist)
阳光可能炙烤你,食品可能毒害你,言语可能诅咒你,图画可能侮辱你——音乐不会处罚你只会祝福你。(奥地利钢琴家 施纳贝尔 A)

The art of giving presents is to give something which others cannot buy for themselves. (Alan Alexander Milne, British humorist)
送礼的艺术在于送别人不能给自己买的东西。(英国幽默作家 米尔恩 A A)

The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep in their downwad tendency. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German poet)
文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时候是齐头并进的。(德国诗人 歌德 J W)

The lanscope belongs to the man who looks at it. (Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker)
风景属于看风景的人。(美国思想家 爱默生 R W)

The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.(John Ruskin, American writer and critic)
爱美是人性的重要组成部分。(美国作家、批评家 罗斯金 J)

The poet\'s voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props , the pillars to help him endure and prevail. (William Fulkner, American writer)